
Phone: 614-488-3831

2106 Tremont Center
Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221

Clothing Care offers an array of professional services to meet the care your garments needs such as Hand-finishing, Couture Deluxe Service, Wash and Fold, Alterations, Shoe Repair, Wedding Gown Preservation, Leather and Fur-Cleaning and Storage, Household, Draperies, and more. 

Our services separate us from other dry-cleaners because we pre-inspect, pre-sort, and pre-spot all garments before they go through our cleaning process. All cuffs and collars are scrubbed along with removing collar stays and inserting new after pressing. We remove or cover all delicate buttons. Blazer and suit jacket sleeves are stuffed with tissue paper to keep shape and sweaters are folded with tissue to minimize pilling. After cleaning and pressing, all garments are inspected to ensure that you are receiving your garments at our highest standard of quality.

Mon-Fri: 8am - 7pm
Sat: 9am - 5pm
Sun: Closed